Creative and Performing Arts
Art in the classrooms
Art is taught across the curriculum in every year level. To check out some of the amazing artist at The Pocket, pop into one of our classrooms.
Art Club
Each Tuesday we run an Art Club at recess and lunch to engage our children in weaving, sculpture and painting!
Art Smart
Each year we participate in an extraordinary extension art program called Art Smart. This is an art work shop run by local artists. We select 6 artists that show incredible artistic talent within our class art lessons. Each year they learn a variety of skills on how to produce creative art pieces.
Drama is integrated into classroom lesson. We explicitly teach many aspects of drama and allow our children to showcase these skills through plays, movies and skits!
We believe that Music is an integral part of learning. Our music program gives students a range of opportunities to explore their own interests and ability level. Each Wednesday Janet leads our classes in 45 min lessons. She also runs our incredible schools band and the choir. On Friday we have our very own music tutor - Jo. She tutors students in drumming, piano and vocals!
Our school is involved in the biannual ValleyFest Performance. This is in conjunction with our network of schools. In 2015 we performed a dance to "Jai Ho" that was highly commended, placing in the top three performances.
The Environment

At The Pocket we explicitly teach, value and practice Environmental sustainability. We do this through making responsible decisions that will reduce our impact on the environment. We integrate these valuable lessons into our teaching and learning cycles and run specific programs.
At The Pocket School we have approximately 60 square metres of vegetable gardens that are run solely by our students. We plant seasonal vegetables that we send onto the canteen, utilise in our cooking program or sell at our road side stall. This enables students to see how to produce their own fruits and vegetables as well as understand how to develop sustainable practices in their own life.
We are fortunate to have an excellent chook pen with 10 chickens! The students run the chook pen with daily rosters to ensure feeding of grain and food scraps. They also collect the eggs which are used in our cooking program or sold in our community. The sale of our eggs actually funds ensures that our chook pen is financially self-sustaining.
We have a flourishing worm farm that provides great fertiliser for our gardens. Once again, this is an initiative of our students as they set it up and maintain the correct levels to ensure the worms are doing their job!
Cultural and Community Connections

Indigenous Education
At The Pocket we are proud of our Indigenous culture. Not only are Indigenous perspectives embedded in our teaching and learning cycles we also celebrate Indigenous culture. Check out our events page and look at the NAIDOC celebrations. We love it when our elders pop in when they are in the area.
We are fortunate to have Mrs Hauenstein as an incredible classroom teacher but also as our Indonesian Teacher. Mrs Hauenstein works with all students throughout the year helping them to become immersed in the Indonesian culture and language.
Preschool Connections
This program further fosters strong community connections while solidifying student identity through student led preparation and delivery of learning experiences at our key feeder preschools, being; Billi Lids, Lilli Pilli, Little Dolphins and Ocean Shores. This program gives all of our students leadership opportunities within their areas of interest, while supporting authentic learning experiences within the Early Years Learning Framework for our pre-schooler friends.
Enjoying the fruit of your labour is essential! Students at The Pocket are fortunate enough to be able to cook with fresh produce that they have grown in the gardens. This program is run across the school and is linked with the learning that is happening in the classroom. For example, this term the students are learning about Asian Cultures, therefore the tantalising meals they have been creating are all Asian inspired!
Thriving P and C
The involvement of our P and C continues to inspire and guide our students' learning. Our P and C meet twice a term to discuss fundraising opportunities and school directions.
21st Century Learning
This is integrated into our teaching and learning programs. We also run specific learning programs.

Technology skiis used as a tool for learning within the classroom. Children will often use and explore movie making software, music making applications and art applications. We also have online reading resources such as Reading Eggs. Our students have access to ipads, cameras, laptop and desktop computers.
Learning Dispositions
We have our very own Learning Dispositions or qualities of a good learner. Come in and talk to us about them!
Leadership lessons
We are fortunate to have a strong student leadership group at the school. We have an outstanding Student Representative council. They understand their place in the world through not only helping our own school and community but consistently aligning with international charities to offer support.
Our senior leadership group meet with Mr Glasson to have explicit lessons on leadership. These lessons involve collaboration, creativity, empathy, honesty, communication... and the list goes on.
As a small school we are all involved! School based sport involves weekly fitness, fundamental movement skills and modified games. We are involved in Rugby League gala days, Netball gala days, Basketball gala days, Tennis coaching, Soccer gala days and marble championships.

Valley of Small Schools Sports Carnivals (VOSS)
Sport is a valued part of The Pocket learning community. Not only do we teach the specific fundamental skills for body movement, we utilise sport to teach values. Carnivals give the students at The Pocket an opportunity to showcase their outstanding skill level and to put their sportsmanship into practice.
Will Glasson
The Pocket Public School