This term we will be hosting two community forums to:
- Listen to what you want from your local school.
- Integrate students learning with your views and expectations.
- Engage you in our strategic learning directions (check out our 3 year plan on the website).
What does this mean?
We want your opinion! We want you to offer positive feedback and constructive ideas to further develop The Pocket Public School. This will be broken into the following areas:
- Learning
- Social and emotional wellbeing
- Extra curricular activities
- Community learning
- Other
How do I give my ideas?
Attendees will fill in an information card (name optional) and post it in the ‘ideas boxes'. Boxes will be labelled with the above headings.
Who can attend?
Parents, grandparents, local residents, local business owners…anyone in our community! If you live in our local community, we want to hear your voice, even if you don't have children attending The Pocket School.
I can't make it, can I still input my ideas?
Yes! The ‘ideas boxes' will be displayed in our front office from Monday 19 October (Week 3) or you can call and speak to us.
See the link for full details by viewing our community forum (PDF 285KB) and community forum (PDF 285KB)
Also, check out our post forum video.